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TechMatte Apple Pencil Lightning Cable Charging Adapter for iPad Pro Female to Female Connector (.75 Inches)

A Lightning Cable Charging Adapter designed to charge the Apple Pencil with a Lightning cable

Provides an alternative connection with a female to female connector for the Apple Pencil and Lightning cable

Connection allows Apple Pencil to be charged with any Lightning cable you already have

Contains one TechMatte Charging Adapter for Apple Pencil

*Not for use as a Lightning Cable Extender*

Product Description

The TechMatte Lightning Cable Charging Adapter for the Apple Pencil connects to the charging end of the Apple Pencil;人氣產品排行榜 the other end of the Adapter connects to a Lightning cable, charging the Apple Pencil. The Lightning Cable Charging Adapter is designed to allow the user to set their Apple Pencil beside their iPad Pro using cables they already own during charging, rather than putting it directly into the iPad Pro port. This Adapter makes charging much easier. Rather than charging the Pencil with the iPad Pro, which can lead to easy damages to both the iPad and the Pencil, plugging your Pencil into a lightning cable is much more natural.

Compatible with: Apple Pencil and iPad Pro

Note: *Not for use as a Lightning Cable Extender*

Dimensions: .75 inches

Color: White

What's in the Box?

One TechMatte Charging Adapter (white)


30-Day Money Back Guarantee

12-Month Replacement Warranty

Product Information

Product Dimensions 4.4 x 3 x 0.1 inches

Item Weight 0.3 ounces

Shipping Weight 0.3 ounces

Manufacturer TechMatte





[106美國直購] 適配器 TechMatte Apple Pencil Lightning Cable Charging Adapter for iPad Pro Female 75 Inches 討論,推薦,開箱,CP值,熱賣,團購,便宜,優惠,介紹,排行,精選,特價,周年慶,體驗,限時





有美股「恐慌指數」之稱的 VIX 指數 (芝加哥選擇權交易所波動率指數) 最近終於出現明顯波動,周四 (16 日) 創下 3 個多月來連 2 日最大漲幅。呼應摩根大通 (JP Morgan Chase) 量化分析師 Marko Kolanovic 同日警告,美國股市波動性可能即將從谷底彈升,進而衝擊這一波美股漲勢。

VIX 指數周四夜間一度飆上 13.62 點,加上前日收盤已大漲逾 11%,使得連續 2 日累積漲幅近 20%,創去年 11 月 3 日以來新高。由於時值美國股市 3 大基準指數──道瓊工業、標準普爾 (S&P) 500 及 Nasdaq──連續 5 日攜手刷新歷史最高紀錄,創 1992 年來首見,使得這波 VIX 反彈格外不尋常。

《MarketWatch》報導,這一方面可能因為 VIX 指數原已處於數年來最低水準,因此不須費太多力氣就能大漲。但也可能是投資人見到 VIX 低落,誘於避險成本不高而更願意買進;或是一些人開始賭,美股已經漲到相當高價,續揚空間有限,因而即將回跌。

《ZeroHedge》報導,摩通的 Kolanovic 周四發布報告分析道,過去這段時間 VIX 停留在「難易持續的」低檔,是因為市場連動性降至極度低落的水準,且類股之間、股市之間及各國市場之間的相關聯性,以史上最快速度翻落。

但他指出,這場市場連動性崩跌只是暫時的,動力來自川普 (Donald Trump) 當選美國總統後,掀起投資人針對總體經濟發展,在特定市場進行激烈的重新訂價,例如銀行類股相對於電力類股。

Kolanovic 進一步警告季節性因素。他表示,市場相關聯度往往在第一季時的財報發布季,降至最低點;但通常到了 3 月份當選擇權及期貨季度合約到期時,市場連動性就會大增。

以目前來看,他預期 S&P 500 指數波動率的漲幅,短期內很可能再增加 4 個百分點,使得美股波動率達到超越 20% 的水準,進而引發相關投資策略操作大幅去槓桿,為美股帶來重大風險。





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